Illustrated Map Poster

Churches of Dublin
Illustrated Map

This case study showcases an illustrated map poster and its components. Featured in a Catholic Art Exhibition in Dublin, this map highlights key landmarks with a focus on meaningful design and cohesion.

Adobe Illustrator Photoshop Digital Illustration Poster Design Exhibition Piece

Tools and Process

These illustrations were created using Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop, combining traditional drawing techniques with digital refinement. The goal was to maintain a consistent style across all components while capturing the unique essence of each landmark.

St. Teresa's Church, Clarendon Street
St. Teresa's Church
Blessed Sacrament Chapel
Blessed Sacrament Chapel
Christ Church
Christ Church
St. Aidan's Church
St. Aidan's Church
Immaculate Heart of Mary Church
Immaculate Heart of Mary Church
St. Francis Saviour's Church
St. Francis Xavier's Church
St. Mary's Angels Church
St. Mary's Angels Church
St. Mary's Abbey
St. Mary's Abbey
Mary's Pro-Cathedral
Mary's Pro-Cathedral
St. Michael's Church
St. Michael's Church
St. Patrick's Cathedral
St. Patrick's Cathedral
St. Saviour's Church
St. Saviour's Church